Sunday, April 12, 2009

We Set a Date

After going to about 15-20 places to possibly get married, Tommy and I were exhausted. We were shocked at the numbers that had been presented to us, as well as the restrictions that these places have. Little did I know that February, which is when we were initially looking to get married is prime time in Phoenix. That means more $$$$ out of our pocket. Ugh! Many of the places we looked at had summer specials but it is just too hot to get married outside during those months. I always envisioned myself getting married outside during sunset, but our pockets just aren't deep enough and to be honest, it is ridiculous how much a wedding is in the first place. A vendor hears the word "wedding" and automatically the prices go up. So, after seeing all kinds of different wedding sites, we decided to get married on August 29th 2009. I love the wedding site, and yes everyone, don't worry. The entire festivities will be held inside. "Inspriador" downtown Chandler is a modern art gallery with a retro feel. We are running around with our heads cut off now because we realize that our wedding date is only 4 months away. My hunt for a dress is on . . . . . .

Our Trip to California

Tommy and I have been so busy since we got home from California ( 2 weeks ago). We drove out to stay with my sister and her family for a 3-day weekend. It had been a year since the last time I was there so I was pretty excited to be heading west for the weekend. I was even more excited to show off the new addition on my left hand :) On Thursday we went to California Adventure for the entire day. It was a lot of fun for me to see my nephews, especially Andrew on the rides. I was surprised at how much he loved all of them, even the ones that made MY tummy hurt. (I think I'm getting old). .On Friday, I got up early and took Andrew to school with Crystal. I thought it was so cute how he just walks right in to class, puts his lunchbox in his cubby hole and runs off to play. We went shopping later that afternoon and had Kelly and Mario over that night for a BBQ. I was nice to see them and just relax and visit. On Saturday night we headed to the beach for a Bon Fire. It was really windy and kinda cold, so we huddled around the fire. Katie and Brian were there with their kids, Kelly and Mario and some of their friends and family. It was so good to see Katie and the family. It had been a couple of years since the last time we seen each other and I was excited for everyone to meet my fiance. I had a blast on our trip to California and am hoping that some time this summer I can head back out for a weekend.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

We Are EnGaged!!

WOW! WOW! WOW! What a surprise! I had no idea for what was coming this past Saturday. Tommy and I have been looking at rings, but I honestly wasn't expecting anything this soon. I thought he was gonna make me wait it out, but I can't be happier that he poped the question.

Tommy and I every so often have a date night. I thought that this was gonna be one of those nights, so I got ready in a nice dress shirt, jeans and heels. He also looked handsome in a button down colored shirt and his suit jacket. What a stud! :) I knew that we were going to dinner, and looking back at our car ride there Tommy was pretty quite. We pulled up to the Hyatt Regency at Gainey Ranch in Scottsdale, and I thought "WoW!", this place is beautiful. I knew that were were going to have a nice night. Tommy told me that we had made it there alittle early for our reservations so he suggested that we walk around for a bit. He wanted to go check out the pool area, so I followed. As we turned a corner, I couldn't quit make out what was up ahead. As we got closer I realized that the resort had Gondola rides. Tommy suggested that we take one and be more spontaneouse so I agreed. Ha ha, what would he have done if I really didn't wanna go? (Glad I did) The night air was amazing, as we got onto the boat right at sunset. Our boat guy sung this beautiful song to us, as we sat there listening in awh. Tommy held my hand throughout the boat ride and said the sweetest things I've every heard. He told me that things couldn't be more perfect except for one more thing, as he pulled out the ring, I immediatly began to cry. I couldn't belive what was happening. The moment could not have been more perfect. I said "YES" but I'm not sure he even heard me in between all my tears. I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a big smooch!! When we got off the boat, there were others couples there that clapped and congratuated us. We had a delicouse dinner at the resort and listened to the live band.
Tommy put a lot of thought and effort into making that moment so memorable for the both of us. We are looking forward to returning to the same spot for our engagment photos.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Poor Baby GIrl

Our lil baby girl LoLa got spayed this week. When we got her home on Thursday night, she only had one eye open and was drooling. I placed her in her bed with a towel to keep her warm and that's were she stayed, all night. I felt awful cause I could tell how out of it she really was. She even cried every time we touched her. Now, it's 2 days later, and she is back to normal. We are still being careful, making sure to watch her incison site and giving her the pain meds.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Last night we celebrated Allisons Birthday. We went to a Greek restaurant called Bacchanal. They had a live band, a belly dancer that was awesome and we even broke plates. The belly dancer was really cool. She did a routine, then started pulling people on the dance floor with her. We all had a turn showing off our moves. The place really had a great atmosphere, good food and wine. A definite good time for a special occasion.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentines Day

Tommy and I both agreed that we would keep Valentines Day simple this year. I tried to think of something clever . . . and I did!! Glued a bunch of those valentines heart candies that say things on them, like "Kiss Me", "Angel" and "Sweetie" and a bunch of bananas. I told Tommy that he will think his gift from me is silly but he'll never forget it. I gave him a "Bunch of Love" for Valentines. He loved it! and I love him! XOXOX

We Met the President

So . . One of my goals in life was to meet a President, whether it be a present one or a past. I had heard on the news a few days about that Past President Jimmy Carter was doing a book signing with his new book, "Peace in the Holy Land". I wanted to go so badly. Tommy and I stood in line for a little over an hour. It was so cold out side and the line didn't seem like it was going anywhere, but as soon as the line made it inside the bookstore, it seemed to be over before we knew it. Turns out the bookstore had not anticipated the turn out of people and basicly was pushing books through a line for President Carter to sign. Unfornitly, we all were unable to shake hands or take personal pictures with him, but was still exciting to be as close as we were. He looked great as he stood up and waved hello to the crowd. It was an expericance that had me in "aww". So many different people for all different cultures. We spoak t0 the people standing in line with us and their passion for him being one of the "Great Americans of all time" seemed to be in the air.